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Built around a core of Anime and JRock classic tunes, Jazz and Just Plain Good Music soon joined the mix on my Pandora Anime Radio Station. The result isn’t always what I expected, going off on Blues or Ballads or Backbeat Swing for a time, then bouncing into Alternative, Boogie, Punk, and other forms of quality rock. After a year of tweaking, it seems to play nothing but great music; and on those rare occasions when it doesn’t, I tweak a bit more. What I enjoy most is the amount of world-class music it includes I had never heard before, or even heard of. BONUS!!!

When new ones come out, I link to Anime streaming presentations you can watch online. There are a few places you can watch more than a single episode, and Funimation is in the process of releasing some new series for online consumption. So it seemed like the perfect time to mention that group, and a few other of my favorites. Veoh is where the new Funimation titles live, with series including Aquarion, Ghost Hunt, and xxxHolic being added to a library that already had titles like Kiddy Grade, Moon Phase, and Slayers. The folks at Anime News Network also have a library of legally watchable series, including some of those mentioned as well as Blue Gender, Origin, and Shuffle, to name a few. And then there is Crunchy Roll, where you can watch new series episodes the day after they first aired in Japan (a small fee is required for full access, other series and episodes are free). There are more, but these should get you started; got your Internet-Aware TV with the Ethernet/Wireless interface to your cable modem yet?

As a person who actually still owns a Commodore 64 I had to share this one. In the fight between Billy Gates and Steve Jobs, I vote for Linus Torvalds every time. And then there is Amanda Palmer, buddy of Neil Gaiman and driving force behind Dresden Dolls; if you don’t already know her music, here is an intro with her song Coin Operated Boy. They have started her 10-part interview at Apex, and if you need a better understanding of who she is, check the next video in this group (but only if you are not easily offended, or perhaps work in and understand the media industry). And then one last music track, just because it is one of the most amazing video/audio edits I have seen lately. Enjoy…