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Alasdair Wilkins at io9 has a very nice article about Asimov’s Robots, focusing on how obeying the Three Laws can still end up with killer robots running around loose. David Brin also put together an interesting post yesterday covering a number of different topics, including the SIGMA group, which had another gathering this past week in D.C.. Wish I had known about the book signing the authors did at Reiter’s Bookstore as part of that event ahead of time, it would have been fun to attend.

The folks at SFX have put together a listing of the New Fall Season Roundup of science fiction TV shows. Which I found just a bit strange, as they are all US Broadcast Network TV programs, and SFX is a UK magazine. Nowhere in the list is mention of current or upcoming Brit series, like Afterlife, Misfits, Paradox, or Primeval. More expected was SciFi Wire putting together a nice little chart of Every Sci-Fi Show, except its not; just like the previous list, it only includes US Broadcast Network TV programs. Which is again a bit strange, this time because the web site is owned by a US cable company, but it made no mention of Eureka or Warehouse 13, both of which start in July. Guess I’ll just watch the new trailer for Surrogates instead…

Fancast has a few video pieces and a nice blog entry about upcoming SciFi series Flash Forward and V. Flash Forward is based on the Robert J Sawyer book of the same name, while V is of course a remake of that classic 80s TV series. I am looking forward to both. John Scalzi has a history lesson for us about pre-Star Wars SciFi hit movies. I never knew the number one movie in 1916 was a version of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, which I am now going to watch.