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Next Wednesday, November 10th, the JICC, or Japanese Information and Culture Center, will be presenting King of Thorn on the big screen. The Medusa virus is sweeping the earth, turning everyone to stone. 160 carefully selected people are put in cold sleep to be awoken in a hundred years, so the human race will survive. But when they wake up, a lot more than a hundred years have passed, if evolution is any judge. The presentation is free although it does require a reservation, which is only fair for what will certainly be the first (and may just be the only) time this Anime feature film will play in a movie theater in North America (even if the screen is technically on Japanese soil, being in the Embassy).

John Carpenter has signed up to take the helm transforming Darkchylde from the graphic novel to the big screen. The premise of the comic book series is a good-hearted young southern belle has monsters inside her nightmares, and sometimes they transform her body to walk the earth for their own purposes. Done right, this one could be interesting.