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I hope the holidays find you happy and with loved ones. I wanted to remind everyone that Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol will actually air in the US on Christmas day, mere hours after it airs in the UK. BBC America made that promise about Torchwood for the last miniseries, but failed to follow through with it. Hopefully this time they will do better. I should also mention they will roll out season 4 of Primeval on New Years Day, so there are good things to look forward to on TV this holiday season. In addition, I also wanted to let you know that the new Blackadder Soundboard App By BBC Worldwide is now available to install on your iDevice. With a ton of the best Blackadder quotes, including some from Blackadder’s Christmas Carol and Blackadder Rides Again, this one is just in time for some holiday fun (and at 99 cents it is not overpriced).

This really doesn’t need an explanation, but for the terminally confused the Tokyo Storm Trooper is none other than world famous Otaku Danny Choo. If you want to know what is new and exciting in the way of Japanese Science Fiction, Anime, Manga, Music, and all aspects of Pop Culture, you need to watch his show. If your local cable or satellite provider doesn’t carry it you can watch it online.

Jack Sparrow is back, this time around doing a Disney-flavored version of Tim Power’s On Stranger Tides, all about the fountain of youth and Black Jack the Pirate. If you haven’t previously read the book, you still have time before the film comes out; or you could always listen to the audiobook.

The folks over at FilmDrunk extracted every scene where Arnold screamed from every movie, and put them together in this single presentation. How long can you watch this before you have to stop? For extra points, use a stopwatch to get the exact time, and double points if you are currently hung over.

Happy Holidaze! This amazing holiday music set is performed entirely on smartphones and tablets by the North Point Ministries and presented online for your holiday listening pleasure. They got a lot of requests from folks wanting to know which app allowed them to play which instrument, so they assembled a list that will lead you right to them. As with other entries under Singularity Music, I had to immediately start tracking down and installing a few of these, in the hopes I could learn how to make more than random noise out of them.

The 800 pound gorilla in the theater for this weekend is Gulliver’s Travels, towering over the competition by orders of magnitude. The Jonathan Swift classic political satire gets remade as a TV show or a movie every three to ten years, with greater or lesser degrees of adherence to the core attitude of the original story. But this time around they have an amazing cast, which includes Jack Black, Emily Blunt, Amanda Peet, Billy Connolly, and Catherine Tate, to name just a few. And since they are bringing the same Special FX technology to the table they used for Night At The Museum, you know it is going to be visually amazing as well. So it just remains to be seen if they will faithfully deliver the scathing commentary on the nature of man when ensconced in the halls of power, or play it strictly for laughs and box office returns. Previous versions have been divided fairly evenly between the two approaches, but I have my hopes up for the former considering the attitudes of many of the actors.

According to IMDB, it is not the only film of interest being released this week; the documentary Trek Nation should also be coming out, with should being the operative word. They are apparently still seeking a distributor, per their home page. I hope they find one soon, or consider releasing Direct To Disk so we can have access to it.