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The first production images from Disney’s John Carter of Mars were published in the LA Times, along with an excellent interview with Andrew Stanton. Andy wrote and directed Wall-E and Finding Nemo, and now we will get to see what he can do with a live action Sci-Fi classic. The disappointing part is that he does not intend to show any footage at Comic-Con this year, but word is we may get to see a trailer at Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 come July.

They built it in Barcelona, and everyone loved it. The game played just like normal, on a smart phone, but the results were a bit different, and some folks seemed quite surprised. What a hoot; thanks, T-Mobile. And then, just for grins and giggles, the official Angry Birds theme song.

What would the world have had to been like for Pablo Picasso to have been considered a realist, rather than an abstract painter? This little animation gives you part of the answer to that question.

We already knew that Japan was not the only source of world class Anime; both Korea and China have major studios that have been cranking out some quality animation, with the three of them often working together, and with the US, to create the finished product. This wonderful little ultra-short story (8 minutes and change) isn’t from a mainstream studio, but seems to be a small team trying to break past the limitations of their animation shop into real production. Considering how good the Doctor Who Fan Built Anime was, all I can do is cheer this group on as well, since they have already exceeded the other. Did I mention that this video impressed me? Way to go, WolfSomke, and thanks to Escapist for the heads up on this one.