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Happening tomorrow on x-mas eve at 9PM eastern on BBC America we have The Nerdist: Year In Review, hosted by Chris Hardwick. I am not quite sure how Chris became the definitive American nerd for BBC America, but we could be represented by a much less able spokes-geek and I for one am satisfied. The program includes guests Nathan Fillion and Will Wheaton talking about Firefly, a review of Neil Gaimon’s favorite Doctor Who moments, as well as David Tennant and Simon Pegg. Including the results of a two way competition for the Nerd of the Year Award, where you submit a video with your vote embedded in it. What makes it two way is the fact that three of the best videos (best as defined by a combined criteria of most convincing argument and overall geekery) will be featured on BBC America before the special airs.

I had commented previously about the Snake Pliskin inspired Luc Besson new movie, Lockout. Now the movie has a new name: MS One: Maximum Security, and to go with that new name it has a new trailer, which is even more interesting than the last one. Target date to see this on the big screen is April 13, 2012, barring any major problems, and it looks like a serious monster. It still doesn’t have a home page that I can find, but that too is no doubt coming soon.