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After watching yesterday’s video I explored a bit more, and somebody is actually compiling the best, or at least strangest, commercials from Japan each week or 3. These include some serious genre references and products along side the merely wacked out, and I enjoyed them too much to keep them to myself. I particularly enjoyed the Kyary Pamyu Pamyu spots on each video, using her music to promote her fashion line, and the Mecha spots they had long before we started doing Iron Man commercials..

I love the amazing array of genre coming out of Japan, but some of their output is strange. I THINK this may be a recruiting video for McDonald’s street theater staff in Tokyo (why don’t we have that here?), but it could also be a girl with Hypno Toad genes creating her own cadre of dancing zombies. Maybe a commercial, maybe a music video, maybe filmed as part of a collage film making course; hard to tell from this side of the screen, but definitely different. Thanks to Japanator for the heads up on this one.