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SCANDAL are four women who can seriously rock, and they have announced there will be US dates on their upcoming world tour, Hello World. So far they only have dates and cities listed for Japan, with the tour there scheduled from January through March, to be followed by stops in Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, the UK, and the USA, not necessarily in that order. If you are wondering what they sound like, here is a taste; the first track is Shunkan Sentimental , the second is Awanaitsumorino; Genkidene (I Don’t Plan On Seeing You; Take Care), and the third is Kagen no Tsuki (The Waning Moon). Note that the third song title was the name of a Manga that was turned into a live action movie in 2004, and also the name of the opening song in 2007’s Princess Mononoke anime; this song has nothing to do with either of those things.

In 1938, the Nazi’s were poised to take over the world, and one of the tools that gave them the power to attempt it was the Enigma Machine. This device let them encrypt their communications in a way impossible for anyone else of the time to break, and Europe was at risk of being lost because of it. But then a very small group of mathematicians led by the legendary genius Alan Turing became the team assembled at Bletchley Park to break the code. In the process, they re-invented the modern computer, for the first time since Babbage’s Difference Engine. This movie, The Imitation Game, is another retelling of that very exciting and important story, and this time they have Benedict Cumberbatch doing Turing, a man who had a lot in common with Sherlock Holmes, so the casting is perfect. The film is on the festival circuit at the moment, I can’t wait until it hits the theaters on November 21st!

A new animated Judge Dredd miniseries put together by Adi Shankar had it’s teaser posted online today, with the full trailer due out on Thursday, and the miniseries itself scheduled to come out on the 27th. Since he is the guy that did the 2012 reboot of the Dredd film, this could be quite tasty. I haven’t found a link to where you can watch the episodes, but it should be announced with the full trailer, hopefully. In the mean time the teaser is hosted at Machinima’s YouTube Channel, so that’s a place to start.