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Genius and Scam Artist, Visionary and IP Thief (he lead the way; Bill Gates came in a poor second, and had to steal from him what he had stolen from Park Xerox), Steve Jobs was one of a small handful of people who changed the world while I watched. I won’t know until I see it, but I have hopes this movie might be as entertaining as Pirates of Silicon Valley, another film that covered the same topic. I look forward to watching this new iteration of the story when it hits the big screen on October 9th.

in 2016 we get to return to the world of KUNG FU PANDA with the third animated adventure. In this one, we learn a bit more about Po’s history, and get to meet his long lost father. And then we get to watch him bust his chops to train all of his new found relatives into defending themselves, their friends, and their way of life. This will NOT be his easiest adventure!

There is no doubt that the winner this week is Minions, and finally we get to see the back story of the real stars of the series. Not that Gru and the girls aren’t amazing in their own right, but the little yellow guys are really at the core of the whole thing. It may be the best option this weekend (at least for those of us addicted to the terminally silly), but it isn’t our only one. The other choice is Self/less, about an old guy who wants to live forever. So he has his consciousness transferred into a younger body, without first doing his due diligence to determine what baggage that body brings along with it. That oversight leads to things he never suspected would be brought into the mix, and now his ability to survive the experience is at risk, along with his chances to create a new life; not the same thing at all, but certainly related.

Movies have Alien Outpost, while TV brings Bitten: Complete Second Season and the Witches Of East End: The Complete Season 2. None of those did particularly well with the critics or the ratings.

In Anime Atelier, Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky contains all 12 episodes of the mismatched alchemists working together to save their world. Noragami: The Complete First Season has a slacker god with no shrine or worshipers trying to help a girl who’s soul keeps slipping out of her body.

As a general rule, I am not in favor of having government agencies in control of music. One exception to that (there are others) is the series VOAs Beyond Category. In this presentation, we get to listen to the Jazz of John Pizzarelli, and learn a bit more about him and his musical heritage. The series has some of the most amazing Jazz and Blues artists playing today, and for once I am quite happy to have my tax dollars going to a project. Don’t stop at just one; explore the depth and range of this Voice of America show, they have a lot to offer.