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There was a ton of new and amazing music in 2015, like My First Story with Alone and the Wagakki Band with Ikusa. Then there was Superfly with White Light and Passepied with Tokinowa. One of the groups that surprised and delighted me this year was The Full Pledge Munkees, an amazing Ska band out of Singapore, represented here by their song Positif MV. And that really only covered the first 4 months of the year, and didn’t even mention One OK Rock, who finally had their big breakthrough in North America with their release of their first US album this October. Like most such events, their overnight success came after a decade of working their tails off to get there.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is a show I have been waiting for, and in a few more weeks it becomes real. Launching on Thursday, January 21st, it takes everything they have been building to in Arrow and Flash and consolidates them into a single program with a multiplex story arch. If it is even half as good as I have been hoping, it should be a world class ensemble superhero show, just like Avengers or X-Men, but owned by the DC team instead of Marvel.

Apocalypse was the mutant who could absorb the powers of other mutants, controlling them until he had drained them dry. After thousands of years he is back, and wants to remake the world as his own plaything. X-Men: Apocalypse will arrive on the big screen on May 27, 2016. I assume no one is surprised that I am looking forward to seeing the latest addition to the franchise, since it just seems to get better every movie from my perspective.

Independence Day: Resurgence will be on the big screen on June 24, 2016, and I was already looking forward to it before this trailer was released. Having scavenged recovered alien technology and merged it with our own, the nations of Earth have collaborated on a defense program they hope will allow us to survive the next attack. When that attack finally arrives, it turns out we are nothing close to ready, and only the brilliant innovations of a select group of individuals give us any chance at all.