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In this game you get 12 women pregnant, bond with their kids while they are growing up, and the kids become your team for the battles. Games may have changed a bit since I last noticed. This one is for the PSP platform, and is scheduled to be released tomorrow, at least in Japan. I am not sure what category it should be listed under, since it mixes dating, child-raising, and combat role-playing in an alternate universe setting. Thanks to Crunchyroll for the heads up on this one.

I have never played Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock, or watched the show that spawned it. But now, thanks to the good folks at Geek Tyrant I have a handy image that shows me exactly what trumps which and why. It actually looks like it could be kind of fun, and definitely geeky.

In fact, it went live this past Sunday, over at the Geek and Sundry Channel on YouTube as well as the Geek and Sundry home page. Felicity brought The Guild over for season 5 (plus the archives), and has launched a video blog. Wil will be hosting a gaming show with a lot of great guests and actual board games, playing his guests while interviewing them. Veronica Belmont and Tom Merritt have brought their podcast into the video age and joined the team, and Paul and Storm bring their own brand of silliness to the mix. And that’s just the folks I was already following, there is more going on there you will want to check out.

Now that the TV series Chuck is over, Zac Levi’s next project is The Nerd Machine, which is pretty much what you would expect from the name. They threw the must-attend party at the last Comic-Con, and their most recent public presence was at this year’s CES. The key component of their web site appears to be the forum at this juncture, although they do have a respectable number of nerd related videos.