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Are you ready for the future? Futurama, that is… I am looking forward to a new season of this one. And doesn’t the second video remind you of what music would have evolved into had the music boxes mated with the player pianos? Throw in a steam power source and you would have an elegant music system.

We have seen little bits and pieces of this before in other trailers, but here finally is the full Iron Man Suit in-a-briefcase sequence. There are only a few weeks left before Iron Man II hits the big screen, and I am ready! Also just released is the new trailer (the 3rd one in the set) for M. Somebody’s live action version of the Anime series Avatar: The Last Airbender. Every previous movie he has made has bored me to tears where it wasn’t abusing my Suspension of Disbelief (which actually requires some vague basis in reality in order to function), but if this trailer is indicative of the film quality and not merely all the good bits, perhaps he will have finally made something worth watching.

A taste of strange from Japan today, starting out with a Japanese commercial for children’s near-beer, so kids could have toasts with their parents. And somehow it got twisted… Just another look into the stranger side of J-Life from WTF Japan, Seriously. Meanwhile, Geekologie has word of a dancing robotic samurai server in a Japanese themed restaurant in Thailand. One good computer virus and the patrons become shish-kabob, although with a face like a cross between Darth Vader and the Cookie Monster it is difficult to get too worked up about the possibility.

In Houston, Texas, Anime Matsuri takes place this weekend, taking over the convention center. This event is huge, and if your browser can handle it be sure to log into the Flash version of the site; one of the best Con web sites I have ever seen. In Seattle, Washington Sakura Con is another monster Anime event with a ton of guests including High and Mighty Color as the featured musical GoH. In Boston it’s Anime Boston, still another large convention, while in Ohio the event is Anime Punch. Why all the big-time Anime cons at once? Part of it could be because there are a lot of artists, actors, and musical groups in the US right now, gearing up for Sakura Matsuri next week, the Cherry Blossom Street Festival in D.C. In fact, the National Cherry Blossom Festival started this past Saturday and runs until the 10th.

In San Francisco, WonderCon is a fair sized Comic Con, and a lot of media folks are going to be there, right down to io9 and G4TV