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There are a few movies being released on DVD this week, but only one of any real importance. The first is Sci-Fi High: The Movie Musical, which supposedly was in theaters last April, but none anywhere near me. Even IMDB doesn’t seem to know anything about this one, so it will be a pass for me. As will be Wolvesbayne, another redundant 1800s vampire versus werewolf film. The movie worth adding to the collection this time around is Howl, the beat generation anthem and poem and the story of Alan Ginsberg’s obscenity trial in the 1950s because of it. This legal battle had fear and repression driving the prosecution and freedom of speech upholding the defense, in what would be a verdict that would help change the direction of what was permissible in America closer to true freedom for all. This one isn’t sci-fi, but it is an important milepost on the path of literature and the development of a culture.

The TV fictional pick of the week is the Sarah Jane Adventures: The Complete Third Season. They have just finished up season 4 in the UK, and the first season was aired in the US on the Sci-Fi Channel, but not seasons 2 or 3. Nor do they appear to have been picked up by BBC America, at least not so far. So the DVD’s may be the only way we get to see them for a while; at least the UK has acknowledged and signed off on season 5 for 2011.

Into the Universe with Steven Hawking is another Science of Science Fiction type educational program which covers such topics as alien intelligences, wormhole transportation systems, time travel requirements, and the evolution of life in radically different physical environments than ours. Obviously, the narrator’s voice is not that of professor Hawking, but the program is quite entertaining as well as providing scientifically rigorous and accurate speculation about many aspects of the currently unknown. Particularly useful if you were considering writing any science fiction books or screenplays of your own. You can watch segments of the program online at that link.

There are three restored superhero movie serials being released this week, all from 1940. Flash Gordon Conquers The Universe was the third Flash Gordon serial to be made; The Green Hornet Strikes Again! preceded the 1960s TV show by two and a half decades but Keye Luke was no Bruce Lee, and The Green Archer bears a striking resemblance to The Green Arrow. For those too young to remember, a movie serial was a series of 12 or so episodes, 15 to 25 minutes long, which would play before the feature presentation in a movie theater in the 1930s and 40s. Many of them were science fiction of one flavor or another, and they translated directly to television in the 1950’s, creating the template for the episodic TV series still used to this day. Their most famous feature was the cliffhanger ending, intended to draw audiences back the following week to find out how the hero escaped near-certain death this time, again utilized in TV.

In Anime, Koihime Muso – Complete Collection is a kind of Hidden Dragon versus bandits story line, not quite genre but not quite not, with combat grade heavily armed women protecting the innocent from outlaws and violence. The Tsubasa OVAs collection also becomes available this week, bringing us several more stories involving the protagonists crossing from world to world through the multiverse seeking to solve the mysteries affecting them.

Dirty Pair – Collection 2 completes the original Dirty Pair series with the final 12 episodes, but depending on which site you go to it might be coming out this Tuesday, February 1st, or February 8th. In any event, the original Girls with Guns destroying everything in sight series will be completed soon.

In the movie selection section we have Resident Evil: Afterlife; the theatrical version was in 3D, but very few DVDs have been released in that format so far (my local Best Buy just set up a display with 16 titles last week for the first time ever, even though they have been selling the TVs and DVD players for months and months). Which has to be kind of rough on the sales people who are depending on a commission for selling you an entertainment system that has very little actual entertainment you can play on it. Cable 3D offerings so far are one sports channel, and the Discovery Channel which also pioneered Hi-Def over a decade ago and currently has the largest HD title library of any cable channel.

The other movie worth noting this week is Legendary Assassin, about a female cop and a martial arts drifter she befriends. Shortly after they encounter one another, all hell breaks loose as the town starts to come apart around their ears. The final film I should mention is Chrome Angels: Cyborg Conquest, a cyborg sexploitation flic that appears to have an actual logical sci-fi plot line to it that leads to a fully realized conclusion, somewhat rare for the program category it exists within.

For live action TV this week, there is a mention that Dr. Who: The Complete Davros Collection will be re-released (originally issued in 2008) several places around the web, but the only site I could find that mentioned having disks in stock or coming anytime soon was in Australia, so that is probably just a rumor as near as I can tell.

Gintama – Collection 3 starts off this week’s set of new anime releases, with the continuing story of alien invasion and takeover in 17th century Japan. Disarming the samurai and turning the majority of the population into slave labor for their factories, while distracting them from their fate by introducing health care, graphic novels, and TV, is a ploy we have seen in this world as well. Sakata Gintoki, or Gin, is a vagrant samurai addicted to Shonen Jump and Anime, who is getting by with his odd-jobs company. Animation is good but not spectacular, audio bed is good, but the main draw here is the combination of historical events in our parallel universe (you may have noticed we didn’t get the alien invasion) with the make-you-think aspects of two radically different cultures colliding who were also not even close on technology levels.

Dragonaut: The Resonance- The Complete Series compiles the two previously released seasons into the entire package for the first time. The premise is that the Earth is about to be destroyed by an incoming asteroid, and the teams of Dragons and Dragon Riders are our best hope of survival. But as usual, it isn’t really that simple. Animation is excellent even if the character designers are of the Barbie School (not even close to anatomically reasonable for the female form), music is good, and the story is about the conflict between two totally different evolutionary tracts (with life forms from each side trying to determine if they can co-exist, and working together to survive). This one is surprisingly better than you were probably expecting.

There are several titles being re-released in more economical sets this week. Baccano! – The Complete Collection is one of the better animes released in the US this year (2007 and 2009 in Asia), about immortal mafia, monsters, and alchemists (and several other groups) who hunt each other down across history, with the main body of the tale taking place in the 1920s and 30s in and around NYC. Each episode gives you slivers of stories from various characters perspectives, leaving you to assemble the mosaic in your mind as each new piece of the puzzle is revealed. The animation is excellent, the incidental music does its job to perfection supporting the mood of each scene without pulling attention away from the action, while the primary music is spot on, and most of all, the story being told grabs your attention as it unfolds.

Finally, Ragnarok The Animation is a typical quest type fantasy, and all the usual suspects are involved. The only thing I can find to recommend about this one is the discounted price, although if you prefer this genre it may be worth checking out.

In live action movies, Salt tops the list this week, in a twisted flic fully worthy of Philip K. Dick. I was a bit surprised when I first found out he didn’t write this one, as he has written so many like it. Also released for the younger crowd, Missy and the Maxinator is a live action kid-as-superhero film in which the teachers are out to take over the world.

There is only one live action TV entry this week, but it is an important one: Caprica: Season 1.5. This series was more like reading Sci-Fi than watching it, something you constantly had to think about and extrapolate from in order to understand. It dealt with some of the most important issues our current technology raises today, and did not sugar coat them or spoon feed the audience with a preprocessed answer. Unfortunately, most of the American audience wanted to be entertained, not educated, and the same non-Sci-Fi aware powers at the Sci-Fi Channel who brought you the WWE made sure to kill it without even letting all the episodes air. I am still waiting for an explanation of what mindless muscle boys beating on each other has to do with science fiction when it occurs outside of a Mad Max franchise.

For western animation this week we have the return of Futurama: Season 5, and I just want to say I am very glad that Comedy Central decided this program was worth financing for another round. If anything, this season was more outrageous than any previous, since they didn’t have to strictly follow broadcast television guidelines. I am hoping for many more seasons like this one.

The one new anime offering this week is the Bleach – Season 7 Uncut Box Set, Bringing us up to episodes 122 through 133 of this spirit world combat sequence. To put that in perspective episode 300 just aired on Crunchyroll and in Tokyo last week. That means there is a gap of years between what you can add to your collection here and what the actual current episode is. I am going to use this as a contrast and compare opportunity; If I watch the seventh season and follow it with the current season and do not feel like I am missing anything in between, that would be a good indication that the writing has gotten stale and the storyline is static. If I am missing some names of people and spirit realms but the action and structure of the two seasons are consistent with each other, that would indicate they settled on a formulaic structure and are only plugging in the villein du jour for the story arc and telling us the same tale over and over. If, on the other hand, it becomes obvious I am missing something fundamental in the relationships of the characters and the nature of the struggle they are involved in, that tells me they continue to evolve the underlying concepts and personalities, and perhaps this series could be worth continuing to follow and support. One thing is undeniable whatever the verdict; this anime has had some of the best J-Rock music of any series, and I will post on that soon.

The other anime release this week is a re-release in a cost effective package; Tenchi Muyo! GXP- The Complete Series [Viridian Collection], which will run you less than $30 for all 26 episode. This is one of a fistful of Tenchi series (and Tenchi isn’t even the main protagonist in this one, but all the other details are there), and for the most part they involve our hero being an unlucky klutz who gets dragged into serving on the galactic police by mistake, usually as bait in a trap. Except for the series of time-travel movies in which he was an unlucky klutz, or the sequence of Magical Girl tales in which he was an unlucky klutz, or the… you get the idea. The other detail which is always true is there are four (sometimes 5) girls doing the Romantic Interest part, and one of them is always a galactic police officer, and one is always the dread pirate Ryoko. If you are looking for something profound and beautiful, look elsewhere; this one is just silly fun, but it is very GOOD silly fun.

The children own the movie to DVD environment this week, with one live action and two animation offerings. The live action is the least interesting to me, but Nanny McPhee Returns does have a place in both literature and in the film world, even if Mary Poppins might have objected. My personal movie choice for this week goes to Despicable Me, and believe me when I say I am going to pick up one of the disk options that includes the never before seen three new Minion shorts. This is one of my two favorite western animations so far this year (the other being Megamind, with Eden of the East and Occult Academy topping my Anime choices this time around), and much as the human children are portrayed as cute, it is the Minions who own this show.

The third movie is the one with the most realistic animation and the most inspiring story, and based on the first book of a world class fantasy series: Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole. The folks that put it together understand animating birds, since their last project was Happy Feet, and they have obviously continued to learn since then. The whole texture of this one puts it in the realm of something like the Harry Potter series, and for much the same reasons of lineage and execution: it is just that good. So why did my primary recommendation go to Despicable Me rather than this one? Blame it on the Minions; they just feel like family to me.

In live action TV, the only real winner this week is The IT Crowd: The Complete Fourth Season. While not exactly science fiction, it is a geek fest that blows wimpy competitors like Big Bang right out of the water with the kind of twisted humor that American television rarely has the nerve to show. If you haven’t seen this one before, they often play episodes on IFC you can watch online or on the channel to give you a taste of the attitude. I believe the first 3 seasons are streaming on Netflix as well.

In anime this week Nyan Koi! is the story of a high school boy with a cat allergy who ticks off the local guardian deity of cats. As a result, he can now understand what cats are saying, and has a limited time to grant the wishes of one hundred cats or be turned into a cat himself. With the protagonist being a high school boy, many of the cats are owned by high school girls, while other cats are high school girls themselves; don’t expect anything profound here, this one is just fluffy fun of the supernatural romantic comedy variety.

Somewhat more substantial, The Tower of Druaga – The Complete Series brings both seasons together in a single collection for the first time. If you have played the original arcade game from Namco-Bandi, then the 60 levels our heroes have to fight through should look at least a little familiar to you. This is more or less a combat quest story with multiple competitors going after the prize.

The other Anime coming out this week are various series re-released in more cost effective packages, including Sands of Destruction, Gun X Sword, Naruto – Season 4 Box Set 2, and Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor. The good news is you can pick any of them up for less than thirty bucks, and except for Naruto they are the entire series (the draw for Naruto is this version is uncut and unedited).

The winner for this week has to be Inception, one of the most recursive movies of all time. It was amazing on the big screen, convoluted and beautiful and breathtaking in ways never before seen, and with tension ratcheted so high I kept expecting to see random audience members run screaming out of the theater as their nerves snapped. Word has it the extras on this DVD are many and very well done, but I could care less. I just want to watch it once a week for about two months until I have pulled the last bit of meaning out of it, and then come back every few months to savor it again.

A rather silly looking film that has been getting good buzz and a few awards on the film festival circuit is also being released: Missy and the Maxinator. This family friendly flic is about a boy who gains some superpowers, and about his evil teachers plot to take over the world. On a much more serious note, Dark Metropolis tells the story of the genetically engineered slaves who revolted and took over the world; 500 years in the future they hunt human beings in retaliation.

This weeks TV entry is a bit different: Trek Stars Go West is a series of classic 50s and 60s TV Westerns with appearances by William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, James Doohan and Deforest Kelley. It is a unique idea, and I have to mention it in the interests of completion here, but even though Roddenberry billed Star Trek as Wagon Train in the Stars while trying to sell it to the networks, I can not imagine any hard core Trek fan actually wanting to watch any of these. If they had compiled their Twilight Zone and Man From Uncle kind of appearances, sure, but cowboy shows that depicted killing Native Americans, Hispanics, and pretty much anybody that didn’t own land and/or live in the local town as a good thing, not so much.

The top American animation pick this week is Shrek Forever After, the fourth and final episode in this wonderful franchise. This series has done more strange things to classic fairy tale characters than anyone since Walt Disney himself, and brought full tilt wacky humor to the screen while doing it. You can also get it in a two-pack with a direct to DVD piece called Donkey’s Christmas, or in a series box sets with the other movies called “The Whole Story”.

For Anime, Franz Kafka’s A Country Doctor & Other Fantastic Films by Koji Yamamura is the one to have on your must-have list. The 2007 title story won seven Grand Prize awards at animation festivals worldwide, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, the story Mt. Head was nominated for an Oscar in 2003, won 6 Grand Prize awards at various film festivals, and another double dozen lesser prizes. There are over a dozen animations here, totaling just over two hours of runtime, every one of them an experimental masterpiece showcasing Koji’s unique approach to art, life, and animation. The video at the end of this post is the shortest one of his I could find to embed, but it packs a lot of heart into a tiny slice of time.

The other new release this week is the box set of The Third: Girl With Blue Eye, in which Bogie (an AI wearing a tank for a body) and his lovely human Honoka freelance their way across a post-apocalyptic desert planet over run by giant insects. There are also a few re-releases, with Cowboy Bebop: The Movie Special Edition having a number of extra features, which are not usually enough to make me re-buy something I already own, but this time there are Music Videos involved. Also, both Gad Guard – The Complete Series [S.A.V.E. Edition] and Ikki Tousen – The Complete Series [Viridian Collection] are coming out in more cost effective versions.

There are actually a few good movies being released on DVD this week. In the just for fun category we have the Sorcerers Apprentice from Disney, starring Nicolas Cage. While I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for this to win any awards, it has a blend of humor and adventure that makes it worth your time to watch. In a noticeably more serious vein, Valhalla Rising has won an assortment of awards at film festivals around the world. It is a story of slavery, escape, and loyalty in 1000 AD, although it seems to have something to say about religious violence as well.

Then we have a couple of silly movies related to each other. I am sure I don’t have to explain what The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is about, but the one I will be adding to my collection is its companion piece, Vampires Suck, the extended Bite Me Edition. Strangely enough, the Twilight flic doesn’t seem to be targeting Tuesday for its release.

I didn’t see much in the way of US TV releases this week, but China’s Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils appears to be worth a look. It is based on the Buddhist 8 non-human races for the make up of its cast, and the novel was serialized monthly for years before this rather complex story line was rendered for television.

There are two anime releases this week, each of which completes the season for its show. Hell Girl: Three Vessels – Collection 2 is the final 13 episodes of season 3, in which we learn Ai wasn’t as dead as she seemed to be at the end of season 2 (and just exactly where do ghosts and spirits go when they die, and how do they come back from there?). Her assistants had been having a peaceful afterlife until her return, and she has taken up possession of a schoolgirl (in the exorcist meaning of the word) to stage her Earthly operations from.

The other release is Birdy the Mighty: Decode 02, continuing the new adventures of Birdy the Mighty, a lethal interstellar federation agent who is more dangerous to innocent bystanders than the extraterrestrial terrorists who’s stolen weapon threatens to destroy all life on Earth. If you saw the OVA series from the previous century, you know what I am talking about. If you missed it, watching any episode of Dirty Pair will give you the general idea; some people just need to pay a little more attention to keep the collateral damage down to a reasonable body count.