Back in 1991 there was an Autodesk DOS program called James Gleick’s CHAOS: The Software., written by Josh Gordon, Rudy Rucker and John Walker. It allowed you to generate visual representations of a lot of Chaos Theory’s best math, and Rudy wrote most of the algorithms, except for John Walkers Fractal Landscapes algorithms. Rudy has now posted it online over at GitHub as a free open source download under the GNU license. It will run on pretty much anything that has DOSBox installed on it, which is itself free open source software that runs on Windows, Linux, MACs, Raspbian and more.
Today is Pi Day, the day that starts off 3.14 and celebrates the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. This day gives mathematicians from around the world an opportunity to educate everyone and celebrate the beauty of the universe. So it seems appropriate to me that Albert Einstein, who once said Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas was born on this day in 1879. Happy Pi Day, Albert Einstein, and thanks for all your wonderful insights and explanations about how reality works!
Today is Pi Day, celebrated each year on March 14th, or 3.14, with extreme enthusiasts further designating 1:59 as a special minute; Happy Pi Day!. From one coast to the other the mathematically inclined, not to mention a boatload of teachers, will all be spreading the word about this most mathematical of days.
Happy Square Root Day! It happens only 9 times a century, when the day and month are the square root of the last two digits of the year; and this year it happens only a few weeks before Pi Day, first celebrated at the Exploratorium back in 1988. Then there is Pi Approximation Day on 22/7 of course, also known as Casual Pi Day. For fun from a different direction Reaper returns to the airwaves with the season 2 premier tonight. I didn’t expect to like the show so much when it first aired, but Ray Wise was the absolute best choice to play the Devil, and all by himself brings the show up several levels. Hope they can keep both the comedy and suspense up for another full season!