Only Lovers Left Alive was a British/German romantic vampire drama that came out in 2013, but not anywhere near where I lived. It has been nominated for a number of awards, and received a lot of critical attention, including getting an 87% at Rotten Tomatoes. One of the vampires writes music and does scientific research, using Tesla’s inventions to power his house and vehicles. Another wrote about half of Shakespeare’s plays. It will finally be released in the US on August 19th, and I am looking forward to finally being able to see it.
According to SFX, this is the first 3 minutes of the first episode of season 4 of True Blood. If Tinkerbell held orgies, they might look a bit like this at the front entrance. Notice the familiar face in the last minute of the footage who will be playing her dead grandfather this season, and the timescales of fairyland compared to mortal realms implied by their conversation.
True Blood returns to HBO on June 26th, and today a brand new trailer for it hit the interwebs; enjoy!
Sadly, the best bet this weekend is an American remake of a movie that was perfect to start with. Let Me In can only have been made for people who can not read, because the films being in Swedish and therefore needing subtitles was the only drawback to Let The Right One In for English speakers. I expect the US remake to be very disappointing, since the original was brilliant and riveting even with the subtitles; you might as well try to remake the first film in that other world-class Swedish film trilogy Män Som Hatar Kvinnor (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). Oh, wait, I think they are…
Season 1 of the show based on the Charlene Harris novels, True Blood, was amazing. Season 2, coming out on DVD in a week, blew season 1 away. So are you ready, Fangbangers and Fans of Telepathic Waitresses? Season 3 of True Blood kicks off in a few weeks, on the 13th of June 2010, and looks like a monster and a half to me! In Season 3 we finally get to meet the Werewolves, and learn a bit more about the unseen history of the world. Thanks to Screen Crave for the trailer link.