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In live action domestic movies, The Box comes out Tuesday. I missed that one at the theaters, but I think I’m going to rent it to watch before I decide if it needs to be part of the permanent collection. The one I will be bringing home for sure is Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant, since my collection needs more comedy. For the imported live action movie this week, Battle Girl: Living Dead in Tokyo Bay would be the perfect gift for that Troma fan on your list.

The top TV offering this week is the first 10 episodes (first half of season one) of Flash Forward, one of the few SF TV series currently running based on an actual science fiction book, written by Robert J. Sawyer. While the whole DVD Release Pattern for Season 1.0 and Season 2.0 seems mostly to be a scam to get you to pay more for fewer episodes (my local BestBuy charged $49.95 each for seasons One and Three of Battlestar Galactica, but 44.95 each for seasons 2.0, 2.5, 4.0, and 4.5, even though the full season 4 had almost the same number of episodes as season 3, as one example), this time they did it right. The Season 1.0 package has a coupon to get the Season 1: Complete release at $15 off when it comes out. Since it only costs $20 for 1.0, you are basically paying $5 to catch up on the first 10 episodes now, as we get ready to roll into season 1.5. I hope this works out for them, so we can see this distribution model used for other TV series going forward.

If you have an interest in the history of experimental animation as I do, you might find Celestial Navigations: The Short Films of Al Jarnow would be worth a look. Some of his work you have already seen in PBS presentations like Sesame Street, others will be new, and most will be interesting. Al Jarnow himself is into creating a lot of different kinds of art, check out his site when you get a chance.

There are several interesting Anime titles out this week, the most unusual of which may be the Maria-holic: Complete Collection. This starts off with several standard Anime tropes and gives each of them a twist, and then run the combined results full tilt; even when it gets more-than-normally weird, it stays fun and entertaining. And regardless what that review says, it really does come out this week.

The Doctor Is Coming!

Tom Baker was my doctor, right up until David Tennant came along. Of all the actors that played the part, these were the two who spoke to me, who became the Ideal Doctor. I don’t know how the new one will do, but I will be watching. This is all old news, but I felt the need to post these videos again since there is now a New Doctor 12 trailer online. And then I posted the others because I couldn’t help myself.

This time around I would like to invite anyone who can get there to visit the new exhibit at the San Diego Air & Space Museum. Actually, this museum has a lot of great exhibits and is really worth some time, but I am thinking specifically of the Science of Aliens presentation. Strangely enough, I could not find the actual exhibit dates (start and finish) on their web site; hopefully they will correct that soon. Also, this museum is part of the Smithsonian Institution Affiliations Program, so be sure to bring your membership card for the usual discounts and improved access.

If you appreciate science fiction art, you definitely want to check out Cool Vibe, an art site set up blog-style. When you hit their home page it looks like just images with titles, but when you click on the link it gives you details on the source and some comments. E Online Reports that Joss Wedon is looking to follow some serious fans around for a few months and put together a film from the resulting footage. I am betting he gets a lot of volunteers.

This weekend has Con-G, an Anime con in Guelph, ON, Canada (and personally I love the pun in their name). The events at this one lean heavily to Cosplay and music, and it looks like a lot of fun. At the west end of the Great White North Tsukino-Con will be happening in Victoria, British Columbia. Being on the tip of Vancouver Island, Canada, they may just pull in a few folks who were in the neighborhood to do something Olympic.

Anime also lives in Kansas City, MO, at Naka-Kon, where they have some amazing guests and events lined up, including Peelander-Z. Saturday brings on Chibi Chibi Con 10 in Olympia, WA, as well.

In the general Fan category we have ConNooga, at the historical Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel and Convention Center in TN. They are covering all aspects of the genre, but it looks like their strength lies in their Artists Guests

For the gamers, Total Con-fusion claims the title of New England’s largest gaming event, and Owl Con covers the game gamut in Houston. The Bash Con gaming fest is in Toledo, Ohio, and like OwlCon takes place on a collage/university campus.

Finally, Furry Fiesta in Dallas is for those who wear the fur.