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The word is out that Robot Chicken will be giving the full treatment to Avatar and Twilight, as it did for Star Wars. They have done the first handful of episodes for season 5 and are continuing with production. Seth Green estimates 10 months until we get to see it on TV, but in the meantime season 4 is on the store shelves.

And then there is Fallout, a BBC funded project based on the Dark Horse Comics series Apocalypse Nerd. You can never have too much British End of the World comedy, after all. Right now it is only a pilot but with luck the BBC will pick it up for a full series. Thanks to SF Signal for the heads up on this one.

Fallout: Teaser Trailer from tupaq felber on Vimeo.

I haven’t seen it available in the US, but it has hit a lot of US Film Festivals according to the Anime News Network. I picked up the Korean anime Sky Blue: Wonderful Days as an imported sub in 2006, and it has won a boatload of awards since then. While not a replacement for Ghost In The Shell, it is a serious story; the animation is world class, the characters are fully realized, and the plot line is worth paying attention to.

William Shatner has been up to many fun and amusing things over the years, and this new project he is associated with allows groups of people to team up to create new science fiction projects. It is called My Outer Space, where the planets are talent pools each specializing in a range of skill sets, and the starships are virtual production companies, each working on a film, stage play, or animation. It looks like they are serious about gathering up some talented people and creating new science fiction, so stop in and check them out.

The MidsouthCon takes place Friday through Sunday just outside of Memphis, TN. This is a non-profit fan run readercon with Writer GoH’s Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta, and many more guests in many other categories. All-Con in Dallas is, as the name implies, a little bit of everything from Anime to Zombies, and again it’s all about the fans. To see a full list of events on one page, check this. MegaCon in Orlando, FL, is another monster event covering multiple aspects of fandom, although their focus is Comic Books and Media Guests.

On the Anime con front there is KawaKon in St. Louis, Animation and Gaming Ohio in Cincinnati, and Anime Milwaukee in WI. These three all look interesting.

I know I have missed some, but I am still kind of shaken up over having my brand new computer try to burst into flame while I was setting it up. I suspect they missed a few details when they refurbed it, and I will be returning it in the morning. Until I figure out the way I want to proceed to get a modern computer, I will continue to do my blog entries on this antique.