I don’t normally do two blog entries on the same day, but I had to say goodby to Anne McCaffery, author of so many quality books, including the Dragonriders series, The Ship Who series, and so much more. This event is hardly a surprise, as she was 85 and had been missing things like Dragoncon this year for health reasons. But every time we loose an author of this caliber we are all the worse for it, for there will be no more tales to stir the blood and stimulate the imagination from them. The post that summed up who she was and what she meant best so far is from Jenna Busch, another geek like me but wearing a body of a different gender. OK, she might also be a bit more eloquent than I am, which probably explains why her posting moved me the way it did. Thank you, Anne, for all the wonderful dreams and adventures; see you on the other side.