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There are tons of places to watch science fiction online, with each site having its share. Sometimes it can be hard to find what you are looking for, but the Crotchety Old Fan’s Classic Science Fiction Channel makes it a bit easier. He doesn’t host the films or TV shows himself, but links to the content on, Hulu, Veoh, Classic Cinema Online, and more, filtering it for the good stuff so you don’t have to hunt for it. There is a new issue of Antipodian SF online, with a new URL for the down-under site. They are still tweaking the new layout, but the content (excellent free flash-sf stories) is all in place for the December issue. If you are looking for back issues, they are archived at Pandora, the National Library of Australia’s online repository. Not to be confused with the Pandora Internet Radio service, and yes, that link is to my indi/anime/jrock oriented station.

Doug Adams may be gone from our lives, but his legacy lives on, in many places online and off. One of the best is at HitchHikers, the new community repository. Then there are links like HitchHikers Guide, to let you play games and do a lot more. My favorite new BBC site is BBC 7, which includes the BBC’s SciFi Showcase, brand new and worth your attention! The Doctor Who entry alone is worth the price of admission… which is free, BTW. Ignore the fact that at the time of this page’s posting, the new Who series had not yet been signed off on! It is an old post, after all…LOL…

There is finally a Trailer online for the new Doctor Who series. See it at the BBC Dr Who cult site. If you prefer to check the site as a whole, THIS is your best link. Roxxy spotted a California license plate labeled SMEGOFF, so for those of you wondering, here is the H2G2 Red Dwarf info. If you don’t need the background, go straight to the Red Dwarf official site, and learn the latest about the new movie, the Austrailian connection, and a whole lot more.

A few links to let you read new SciFi online for free…
To start, there is the Infinite Matrix, which has both free online stories to read, and a lot of great articles for your enjoyment. Then there is Free SF Online, a German group contributing to the cause. And let us not forget Infinity Plus, a British site with a lot of good stories to share. And that doesn’t even go into such things as Star Harbor, a great superheroic and fantasy fiction story team, or Nation States, a killer online Game environment! Enjoy!