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I am excited about Heros Reborn, because when the original series of Heroes came to the small screen, it kicked ass for the first season and was almost as excellent for the second. It may have slowly degraded after that, but I stuck with it to the end. Even in the final season it had a lot of story to tell, but sadly had lost some of the threads, and some of the characters were no longer people we cared about.

In the Heroes Reborn reboot we have a number of our favorite characters from the original series, and an assortment of original characters, in what looks like a pretty good mix. We also have a good mix of story telling media, with Dark Mater Webisodes already available to enjoy (I posted the first one after the trailer, you should watch them all), the soon to be released comic book Heroes: Season Five, the App with its plethora of goodies and extras, and the 13 episode TV mini-series itself. This is not that dissimilar to what the first series did with their Heroes Evolution’s series of web sites, which included some strictly for mobile devices (not as common in 2006 as it is today).

Bottom line, the new offering has the potential to be good, and I can’t wait to start watching it and see if it lives up to that potential! The TV show portion of the new series hits the small screen on September 24th at 8/7PM (that whole time zone thing); I look forward to finding out if they did the topic justice, and hearing what everyone else has to say.

On July 5th the Death Note live-action TV series will premiere on Nippon TV, which doesn’t have great reception at my house in North America. All is not lost for American fans, however, because Crunchyroll will be airing the show just a few days behind its Japanese release date each week. Thanks to Otaku USA for the heads up on this one, although I will feel more confident about the information when Crunchyroll actually adds it to their menu system.

If you have any love of SciFi at all, run, don’t walk, to your nearest online streaming service, log into Netflix, and start watching Sense8. Eight cities, what starts out being 8 people (who rapidly become one), and one central theme; Homo Sapiens are becoming Homo Superior, and the powers that be will do everything they can to kill them before they lose their own power to control the world forever. This brilliant series includes the Wachowskis as creators, but J. Michael Straczynski of Babylon 5 fame is the real storyteller here.

Something of a trailer with a lot of commentary by the author, this intro video to the TV version of Blake Crouch’s Wayward Pines looks like the show just might be worth watching. It is very Twin Peaks and a bit X-Files, so I look forward to seeing how well Fox and the director tell the quality story embedded in the book. If you missed it when it first aired, you can catch it here.

Finally, it looks like DC is ready to challenge Marvel for the Group Superhero Team Championship. Yes, I know I had recently said that about the whole prime-time character set they had put together for the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, the film where we get to see a major chunk of the Justice League for the first time. After all, they really were DC Comics most popular super-group, and the only possible opponents in theaters against the Marvel Avengers franchise. But they just up-leveled the entire process by putting together their own small-screen challengers to Agents of Shield, a series that features a lot of lesser known but just as important characters from both the Inhumans and S.H.I.E.L.D. story lines. How could DC Comics possibly go up against them? With Legends of Tomorrow, which feature Arrow, Flash, Atom, White Canary, Hawkgirl, and a few more, out to save not a city, but the world. I particularly like the fact that they brought in Doctor Who companion Rory as Rip Hunter, the Time Traveler who put the team together. Thanks to Topless Robot for the links to the videos!

Yet another Netflix exclusive TV series, this one was put together by The Wachowskis (The Matrix and Cloud Atlas) and J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5 and World War Z), a couple of my favorite Sci-Fi creators. As usual with Netflix originals, on June 5th you don’t just get the first episode, you get the entire first season. I worked very hard to ration myself for the Daredevil series, to not just binge watch it in a single weekend. I can already tell I am going to have the same fight with this show.