I updated my web site tonight, and I am very happy to report it doesn’t look like I lost too much (or maybe even any) of the database of articles I have been collecting here. And I even managed to retain the basic layout, with the header at the top (silly place for it, I know), and the menu/widgets functions all running down the left side of the page. It looks like all I lost was the graphics branding (the images making up the banner, the border/trim colors, and the font choices/colors) and the widgets and content of the left menu/widgets area. I will only be putting a few of the widgets back in place, but will treat the rest of it as my opportunity to rebuild my site with an improved functionality, and maybe even a better sense of style. OK, that last may be a stretch (stop sniggering, those who know me in RL), but with any luck this site will look at least half way decent in the next few weeks! Let me know what you think as I try to pull it back together!