Bet you didn’t know Psy’s world wide surprise hit Gangnam Style had a parallel recording, called Oppa Is Just My Style. It features the actress/singer Hyuna, who was also in his video, just like he is in hers of this same song. If you are a fan of energetic dancing, you should check out the rest of Psy’s videos; the man is an absolute maniac on the dance floor, at least in the majority of his music videos. My favorite parody is still Klingon Style, of course. The second video was one he put together to honor the Korean competitors for this years Olympics, and it is both kick ass and shows you a completely different side of his musical talents. I wanted to add a third MV of his here, We Are The One, but could not find the original studio video version on line to embed. They are running it several times this week as part of the Psy Music Block on M-Net, so you still have a chance to see it. BTW, Psy is the primary judge on Superstar K4 so expect lots of aspiring artists there to do versions of Gangnam Style. Another more serious song you can watch online but which I could not embed is Urbanite, it is quite nicely done.