Gareth David-Lloyd was excellent as Ianto Jones in Torchwood and Doctor Who, and I am looking forward to seeing him as Watson in next year’s Sherlock Holmes. But he has another project that launches at 9PM GMT today called Girl Number 9. Gareth isn’t the only Torchwood alumni associated with the project, since it was written by James Moran, veteran writer of episodes of Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Spooks. It is a 6-part online thriller, and the good news is it is not region locked, so everyone should be able to watch it. The rest of the episodes will be along next week, the schedule is posted on the Girl Number 9 Facebook page. They will stay online until they have the DVD with all the extra features ready for sale (they are estimating about a month), and you can learn a bit more about it in the SFX Interview.