The animated romantic comedy The Book of Life is being released this week, with a unique visual style from Guillermo del Toro. Justice League: Throne of Atlantis, also animated, has Aquaman having to choose sides between Atlantis and the Justice League when war with the surface breaks out. The one unanimated selection this time, The Remaining, is closer to horror than fantasy or sci-fi. I didn’t find much in the way of genre western TV this time around.
In Anime we have Log Horizon: Collection 2, continuing the story of 30,000 players trapped in the online game Elder Tales, unable to escape. We also have Lupin the 3rd: Napoleon’s Dictionary, in which the secret of the Lupin family treasure is revealed. Both of these shows are adventurous and funny, if you are not already familiar with them you might want to start at the beginning; click the Oldest button on the Crunchyroll page to start with the first episode of the first season. The first season of Lupin the 3rd is streaming on Hulu, and about half of it was done by the legendary Miyazaki; he also did the feature film sized Castle of Cagliostro, a truely excellent Lupin the 3rd outing.