Choice off the week for movies has to be Paul, the wonderful Pegg and Frost romp across the American southwest in the liberation of aliens assault. It isn’t the only silly fun option, though, as the film Your Highness also becomes available on Tuesday. The film Super may also be a comedy, but not silly; more in the black comedy range, with some serious issues lurking just beneath the surface. I’m thinking all three of these need to follow me home this week.
In TV, the Tom Baker era Dr. Who: The Sun Makers is the only offering of note this time around. Companions Leela (Louise Jameson) and K9 round out the primary cast, with Leela’s eternal question of why can we not kill them? being prominent.
In western animation, Mars Needs Moms is the Disney feature film with an all star voice cast and some quality animation work.
In Anime, Soul Eater: Parts 3 & 4 is being released in a combined box set under the title Soul Eater: The Weapon Collection at a considerable savings over buying the two seasons separately. Parts 1 and 2 were released a bit ago in a combined edition as well, under the title The Meister Collection, which means by shopping around you can pick up the entire 4 season series for about $50.