Movies released to DVD this week include Don’t Die Without Telling Me Where You’re Going, the 1995 fantasy about love and reincarnation. Also now out on DVD is Stan Helsing, just 5 days after it hits the movie theaters.
A lot of TV programs are coming out this week, of which the most interesting is Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, which seems to be a bit racier than its televised brethren.
More speculative future history than science fiction, the excellent Life After People: the Series is being released as a box set. Another doesn’t-quite-fit category is manifested by Adult Swim in a Box. The only part of the contents I can recommend is Robot Chicken Season 1, which you can get separately, but as an overview of a networks vision I don’t think anything like it has been released before.
New Anime this week includes Genshiken 2: Vol 2, to bring our favorite Otaku team to the forefront. Another quality release is Death Note Re-Light #2: L’s Successor as the series picks up the next story arc, with the former hero being the new bad guy. The Claymore: Complete Collection box set is out for those looking for demon combat fun. A new arrival to the US is Shonen Onmyouji, a 26 episode story set in historic Japan involving spirit power and exorcism. They have also finally released the Popotan Complete Collection if you fancy a bit of jumping through time and space without control taking your building with you (you will NOT see the Doctor in these episodes). For classic Anime re-release, BoogiePop Phantom looks to lead the list.