They released The Divergent Series: Allegiant trailer the other week, and it looks quite good. There is a less-than-trivial chance they will close the story with a typical Hollywood ending rather than the original one from the book series, but that might not be a bad thing (at least for folks who were as unhappy with the books ending as I was; it was powerful, but it wasn’t what I wanted to see happen). And like many book projects converted to film before them, they split the last book into two movies. The claim is always that they had to in order to tell the whole story, and the suspicion is always that they were overwhelmed by the need to milk their cash cow just one more time before they had to let it go. It is only after you see the final film that you find out which one it is, but considering how much richer in detail, backstories, and subplots most books are than the movies made from them, it takes a less than competent film production effort to create an inferior result. I look forward to finding out which side of that coin this series ends up on.