The next major exploration we humans are going for is Saturn. The Cassinni-Huygens probe is burning it’s way into SOI (Saturn Orbital Insertion) as I type this, and in about 7 hours the first images should be returned to earth. That is assuming it doesn’t burn up while doing the Saturn Aerobraking (our first aerobraking attempt on a gas giant); and even if it does, we will learn a lot from the data it sends before it turns into a crispy critter.
My own hope is it will survive long enough to make it into a stable orbit. And even better, to fullfill its 4 year mission, and fully map Saturn and explore that planet’s satellittes before it stops reporting back to us!
Here are a few of the better links for you to use to check on it’s progress…
To view the Video as it arrives…
Where Is It Now…
There are a LOT more; this isn’t just a NASA project, it includes the ESA and some others! But this should get you started, at least! LOL…