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There is some good new music posted this week, starting with Faky’s Power Ballad Who We Are. They slide in and out of English with this song, most of their tunes come with both an English and Japanese version and are available on iTunes. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has a powerful new song this week, Kimino Mikata, and while I find the fact that she is the only person allowed to have a face in her videos a little creepy, I absolutely love her music. Both Faky and Kyary have major tours coming up I will have to get into in another post. Kobukuro’s new track is One Times One, and was inspired by the Manga Becomes You by Kono Takano. As you can see it became a collaboration between the musicians and the artist and author. All three of these totally different songs were posted on line this past Tuesday, I hope you enjoy at least one of them.

There hasn’t been anything worth mentioning for a while, but this week there are a couple of good choices. Top of the list is Marvel’s Black Panther, possible the only Marvel superhero to address the U.N. periodically as part of his day job. As near as I can recall, anyone else that went before the U.N. did it as part of their superhero persona, or worked for a U.N. agency. Also this week, Early Man from Aardman is a comedy about the Stone Age getting overrun by the Bronze Age, with all the highly detailed stop motion animation they made famous with Wallace & Gromit.