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I love Radio Plays and Audio Books, and wanted to mention these for anyone who does not already know of them. Escape Pod is a podcast that delivers a weekly free Sci-Fi audio story, and has been doing so since 2005. It is so successful at it that it is listed as a qualifying professional sale at the SFWA. In addition it has generated two spinoffs, Pseudopod for Horror fiction, and PodCastle for Fantasy fiction. You can subscribe to their podcasts, download the MP3 files from their sites, or got to the Escape Pod Archives searchable collection at Wikipedia.

I don’t believe I have ever heard the Star Wars theme music done in quite this style before, so I had to share it. By Lindsey Stirling & Peter Hollens, this was a YouTube Geek Week flagged item which I somehow missed until now. And then, just because I enjoyed that one so much, I went and checked a few more of Lindsey’s tracks, about Zombies and life after the Apocalypse and other normal stuff. That last one is probably my favorite Imagine Dragons cover ever, or at least so far.