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I will find out the name of this band in a format that Amazon or Apple understands, because I need to buy their music! While researching, it looks like N’ Shukugawa Boys has the highest probability of being correct. I stumbled across this while looking for something else entirely (the internet is wonderful that way) and got hooked 30 seconds into the first song. Somewhere between pop and rock, or maybe punk and visual kei, I do like their style.

This is different music than I usually post; rather than being something you have never heard of from a country you have never visited sung by people you don’t know, this one will be familiar in every detail. But I still had to post it, because this particular combination is one I never expected to see; and even if I had been aware of it, I never would have thought they could have done it anywhere near this well.

The first video is a mashup of various songs by $ALOVERS in the middle of their new track Hot Hot Hot. I would have much preferred to have one of the song itself, because it sounds really good, but the decision on how to make things available is up to the band and the record label. The next track is the latest from Maximum The Hormone, a Heavy Metal/Power Pop/Ballad tune, almost schizophrenic in its style. Of course, it might also be a mash up of multiple songs from their latest release, but edited together much better, and then how would I be able to tell? The final track this time is HEY-SMITH’s Dancing Is Illegal, a great little alt rock anthem that seems to be lodged somewhere between power pop and punk rock.

If you were wondering, it really does appear that the poliece are raiding dance clubs all over Japan, hauling the patrons off to jail and making them pee in cups, including in Osaka and Tokyo. There is quite the controversy about it, and that is far from the only recording protesting the situation.

Thanks for the heads up on these tunes to J-Rock Explosion, if you like quality rock out of Japan that is a site worth checking on a regular basis.

A few more interesting J-Rock tracks, starting with LoVendor’s kick ass song, Nemurenai Yoru, followed by their new track, Sexy Boy. OK, maybe not new, but new to me. Next comes Superfly’s How Do I Survive, just uploaded last week. There is always tasty music coming out of Japan, you just have to look for it a bit…

I have posted tunes from Chameleon Circuit here before, and now I am doing it again. They got to record this one actually on the TARDIS set, as part pf the 50th anniversary celebration. I say they, it is mostly Alex Day and friends. It looked like so much fun I had to not only add it here, but also include a making-of video, and a string of other tracks from them. Yes, it is all about Doctor Who. Yes, it is all a bit strange. And, yes, it is all fun fan music!