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The latest track from The Oral Cigarettes is Black Memory, which was posted on line yesterday and already has 185,000 views. If they sound familiar perhaps you know their song Kyouran Hey Kids!!, which is the opening theme to the first season of the series Noragami Aragoto. Its a story abut a minor god determined to make it big who isn’t having a lot of luck getting a shrine started or finding followers. Or perhaps you are currently watching Sagrada Reset, where they do one of the closing themes. They will also be doing the theme for the upcoming live action version of Ajin – Demi-Human, hitting theaters on the final weekend of September, and that is what Black Memory is.

It didn’t come anywhere near me in its limited theatrical run, so Colossal has to be at the top of my personal list this week. It looks amazing in the trailer, and the premise is not one I have ever heard of, so I have to see it. Also this week The Circle is technology twisted to destroy privacy and bring Big Brother to life in ways that would have scared Orwell back to his farm. Even though it isn’t genre, I also have to mention Going In Style because it is too funny for words. I am not sure how it happened, but if there was any Anime being released this week it slipped right past me.