Radwimps new track Catharsist was posted just a handful of hours ago, and of course I had to share it as soon as I found it. And just so it wouldn’t get lonely I threw in another round of Sparkle from Your Name.
Wednesday Campanella has a new track posted just a few days ago; the title is MATRYOSHKA, and it is an interesting duet she recorded with MOODOÏD. For those who do not alreay know her music I am throwing in a few of her earlier tracks, Ikkyu-san and Sen no Rikyu.
MAN WITH A MISSION just released their latest track, Winding Road, a week ago, and already it has almost 600,000 views. And for those of you who missed this incredible collaboration, I had to share February’s Freak It!, where their signature music style went head to head with Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra to produce a track that sinks its teeth into you and doesn’t let go. And then, just because I can, I had to add a collaboration Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra did with Unison Square Garden last November, another excellent band. Enjoy!
Monkey Majik has a new song out called Tokyo lights that I wanted to share here, along with their 2011 collaboration with the Yoshida Brothers, Change.
Ready to rock? Here are a few world-class tunes to help put everything in perspective for you. The first is from Albannach with their killer track The Fire and Thunder of Scotland, the second is the Goddesses of Bagpipes with Shipping Up To Boston / Enter Sandman, and the third is Clanadonia with still more amazing Bagpipe Fusion! And just because I couldn’t stop there, we have to top it off with the Star Wars Theme – Dubstep Bagpipe Cover, because who wouldn’t love that?
There is nothing I can say that will make this any better, or any worse: Enjoy!